To vaccinate a cat is to protect him from contagious viral diseases that can reach his health and even cause his death.

You have to vaccinate your cat early enough. From 2 months old, the kitten is no longer protected by maternal antibodies.
The cat receives his first injection around 2 months, and a second one month later.

An annual reminder is then required to maintain immunity.
With age, the immune defenses go down, do not forget the vaccination reminders.




The main feline viral diseases.


This disease is very contagious, especially in kittens where it is often fatal.
It is manifested by high fever and vomiting, which can be followed by severe dehydration.
It is not transmissible to humans or other animals. The virus responsible for this disease is very resistant.
Vaccination remains the best weapon against typhus.





Leucosis (FeLV)

It is a leukemia.
It is caught by direct contact between cats (blood, sexual way, saliva, urine, tear ...).
The virus is in no way contagious to humans.
The leucosis is manifested by a loss of weight of your cat, anemia, the appearance of ganglia and sometimes tumors.
Screening and vaccination against this disease are therefore essential.





Feline immunodeficiency FIV

FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus of the same family as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the virus that causes AIDS in humans. However, IVF is not transmitted to humans.

The transmission is mainly during a fight through bite. In addition, kittens can also be infected by their mother through her milk or saliva.

The symptoms of IVF are those of decreased ability of the immune system:

* Fever, increased size of the ganglia;
* Cutaneous and digestive involvement with infections;
* The cat is then anemic, loses weight and episodes of hyperthermia are common.

A cat reached by IVF may take several years to fully declare his illness. However, it is likely to transmit this disease during this period. Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine to protect cats with FIV.

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

PIF is an extremely serious disease for the cat, probably the leading cause of death in young cats living in community.

It mainly affects animals up to 1.5 years and cats living in community (refuge, breeding, exhibition, etc ..).

Cats living alone in appartments are less concerned.





This disease affects the entire respiratory tract of the cat.
It begins with fever, inflammation, then an infection of the mucous membranes of the anterior airways (nose, throat, mouth), and ocular, which makes the cat sneeze and salivate. It is rarely fatal, but can become chronic if the cat is not treated in time.
The coryza is a very disabling condition for the animal.
To avoid any risk of contamination, vaccinate and remember vaccination reminders.





Bacterial, it results in conjunctivitis resulting in redness and itching. Know that if your cat is affected by chlamydia, it is rarely possible to treat it permanently. So your cat may seem cured but still be contagious. This disease, however, is not fatal and especially affects cats who have lived in community.
Talk to your veterinarian about the usefulness of vaccination.




This disease is transmissible to humans and vaccination of your cat is mandatory if you are staying in a campsite in the Ardennes or travel abroad.
Vaccination against rabies involves only one injection when the kitten is 3 months old, then a booster every 3 years.


To place your cat in board, all vaccinations mentioned above must be up to date.

In addition, annual reminders are very important because the protection gained from the first two injections gradually fades and the cat is no longer protected. If he comes in contact with a contaminated cat, he will contract the disease.